Jacob's Story

Success Story...

"Jacob was struggling. Recently out of prison in May 2023 and living in a halfway house, he struggled with addiction and mental health issues. Living in the house was difficult, because he knew he wanted to be clean, but was surrounded by drugs and users. Finally, he decided he was done giving into drugs. He wanted to be clean for his kids. 

Joining an Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for mental health, he learned skills to cope with how he was feeling and to overcome his addiction. He stated that while he did not fully appreciate the IOP program at the time, he knows that it likely saved his life. Once he was at a point when he felt ready, he contacted Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley for help finding structure with a good job. 

He worked with Staci Miles from the Lima office to land an interview at Honda. With the help of Staci, he worked on his resume, interview skills, and more to prepare. Due to the Recovery & Employment program, he aced it and was hired quickly. Staci arranged for transportation for him and a few other clients to their pre-employment screenings and orientations in preparation for their new jobs. He said the hours are good, they pay well, and he is ready and willing to begin moving up in the company. He stated he hopes to soon move into an Inspector role and to promote teamwork within his group. 

Staci Miles, Employment Specialist for the Community Outreach Program at Goodwill Easterseals in Lima, stated she is not surprised he landed on his feet. “GESMV was able to provide him with resources and emotional support through his journey, which helped him find a great employment opportunity. He now earns a livable wage, employment benefits, and the possibility of a career.” 

Currently, he is self-sufficient and can care for his children in the way they deserve. While he is grateful for the rides he used to receive to work, he now has his license and a car of his own. He is all set to be married soon, with his kids in attendance, and he’s still in recovery. “I’m so grateful for the help Goodwill gave me. They really helped me out of a tough spot and I’m on my way to making a better life for myself and my family,” he stated."