The United Way of Greater Lima fights for the Health, Education, and Financial Stability of every person in Allen County. We proudly support 37 different programs across 34 different agencies. Every one of our Partner Agencies is doing amazing work for those in our community.
Below you will find more information about each of our partner agencies and the incredible work that they do every day to help those in our community in the areas of health, education, and financial stability. Together we are all United Way Heroes.
Allen County Council on Aging provides person-centered services which enhance the quality of life of Allen County residents age 60 and older so that they remain living independently in their own homes with dignity and choice as long as possible.
The Elderly Day Care Center is designed to provide care and companionship for senior clients residing in Allen County who need assistance, supervision, or companionship during the day.
Website: https://www.accoa.org/
Location: 700 N. Main Street, Lima, Ohio 45801
Phone: 419-228-5135
Allen County Guardianship Services Board promotes the highest possible quality of guardianship services by utilizing education, resources, and advocacy.
The Guardianship Services Board is appointed as the guardian for adults in Allen County diagnosed with a medical, mental, or developmental disability who are declared incompetent by Probate Court. They serve as the guardian to ensure that the individual’s personal needs are met using the least restrictive decision-making process.
Website: https://allencountygsb.com/
Location: 616 S Collett Street STE 201L, Lima, OH 45805
Phone: 567-289-2151
Area Agency Aging, 3 provides life-span resources that inspire, educate, and empower older adults, persons with disabilities and family caregivers.
The Find A Ride program provides transportation at no cost to individuals over the age of 60, or under 60 with a disability who have no other community transportation options.
Website: https://www.aaa3.org/
Location: 2423 Allentown Rd., Lima, Ohio 45805
Phone: 419-222-7723
Bradfield Community Association provides social, educational, health and recreational programs that address the needs of the Lima community.
Healthy You…Healthy Community provides the community access to health education, activities and programs that promote healthy lifestyles and allows people in our community to improve and meet health goals.
Website: www.bradfieldlima.org
Location: 550 S. Collett St, Lima, OH 45805
Phone: 419-228-7766
Cornerstone of Hope Lima is a faith based, non-profit counseling organization that is dedicated to providing support, education, and hope for children, teens and adults in the Greater Lima Area.
Hope & Resiliency through the Lifespan program provides individual, marriage and family counseling, as well as various age-appropriate trainings, and support groups to those needing mental health services through the lifespan.
Website: https://www.cornerstoneofhopelima.org/
Location: 2963 Blue Jacket Ct, Lima, OH 45806
Phone: 419-581-9138
Crime Victim Services helps victims prevail over the trauma of their victimization through safety, healing, justice and restitution.
The Court Advocacy Program provides services to any victim of crime in order to assist them with and through the criminal justice process. All services, such as court accompaniment, court hearing notices, safety planning, emergency money, crisis counseling, and information and referral are provided to any victim of crime free of charge.
The Violence Prevention Program provides culturally appropriate educational curriculum to youth and adults in our community with the express purpose of preventing relationship violence and cultivating a culture where consent and respect for one another is a central tenet.
Website: https://www.crimevictimservices.org/
Address: 330 N Elizabeth St 2nd floor, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-222-8666
Crossroads Crisis Center’s mission is to enhance safety for survivors of domestic violence and their children by educating, advocating, and empowering individuals.
The Residential program provides safe confidential shelter to women and men survivors, and their children, of domestic violence, family violence, intimate partner violence, sexual violence, and human trafficking. The program addresses the safety and immediate needs of the survivor first and then focuses on advocacy, empowerment, education, support, and connection to information and referrals 24/7/365.
Website: https://crossroadscrisiscenter.com/
Phone: 419-228-4357
Prevention Awareness Support Services’ mission is to create safer and healthier communities through awareness, education, prevention, and support.
The Mental Health First Aid program is an evidence-based program that is completed through an 8-hour curriculum either virtually or in-person. MHFA instructs non-mental health professionals how to assist a person who may be challenged by a mental health condition or experiencing a crisis and local resources to refer to if needed.
Website: https://www.passaah.org/
Location: 309 W High St Suite A, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-549-8530
Senior Citizen Services promotes a positive lifestyle through a balanced program of activities that encourages physical health and fitness, mental and emotional wellbeing, and social opportunities for those 50 and over.
Rock Steady Boxing is a non-contact boxing inspired fitness program that is designed to attack Parkinson's Disease at its neurological weak points. Rock Steady Boxing works to help the brain and body reconnect as well as improve functionally, mobility, balance, cognition, self-worth, and quality of life for those diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease.
Website: https://scslima.com/
Location: 3400 W Elm St, Lima, OH 45807
Phone: 419-991-8811
Soldiers of Honor is a faith-based organization reaching the young people of Lima, Ohio. Their priority is the encouragement and transformation of the at-risk children of broken homes.
The Soldiers of Honor Program serves these young people through the physical, emotional, and spiritual strengthening through the after-school boxing program.
Website: https://www.newlookfitnesslima.com/
Location: 117 S. Union Street, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-204-8859
Veterans Freedom Flag Monument Foundation supports the individual American Veteran through actions that promote peace of mind, emotional support, enhancement of dignity, education and fellowship.
Website: https://uawfreedomflag.com
Location: 1161 Buckeye Rd. Lima, OH 45804
Phone: (419) 327-0273
The Arc of Allen County promotes and protects the human rights of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and actively supports their full inclusion and participation in the community throughout their lifetime.
Day Camp provides a wide variety of educational and recreational activities designed to stimulate growth in: teamwork, social skills, life skills, and motor skills for special needs children. The campers are engaged in a fun setting where they are free to be themselves not judged by their disability.
The Day Service program is designed to care for children ages 18 months through adult with intellectual & developmental disabilities and their families. The program works with the children/adults where they are at whether: Pre-School prep, School Aged, or Adult.
Website: https://www.arcallencounty.org/
Location: 546 S Collett St, Lima, OH 45805
Phone: 419-225-6285
Big Brothers Big Sisters of West Central Ohio creates and supports one-to-one mentoring relationships that ignite the power and promise of youth.
The Mentoring Program matches children in 1-to-1 relationships with mentors in community-based and school-based programs to provide those children with the guidance and support they need to achieve their full potential.
Website: https://bbbswco.com/
Location: 207 W Elm St, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-222-8500
Bluffton Child Development Center believes that all children should have the opportunity to learn at their own appropriate level of development. They accomplish this by a hands-on approach to education that encourages each child to become excited about the learning process.
The Bluffton Child Development Center provides a program that includes a loving, nurturing environment, a professional staff and a developmentally appropriate curriculum that enables every child to grow and learn in their own unique way.
Website: https://www.facebook.com/blufftonchild/
Location: 325 County Line Rd, Bluffton, OH 45817
Phone: 419-358-8222
Black Swamp Area Council Boy Scouts of America prepares young people to make ethical and moral choices over their lifetimes by instilling in them the values of the Scout Oath and Law.
The Scouting Programs are designed to incorporate activities and learning experiences helping strengthen all young people's attitudes and actions toward a religion reverence, family, country, and community. Scouting helps develop youth through character building activities, citizenship training, career exploration and community service.
Website: http://www.blackswampbsa.org/
Location: 752 W Robb Ave, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: (419) 227-2107
The mission of the Children’s Developmental Center is to develop the potential of special needs children by providing their clients with an opportunity to enhance their growth, development and independence.
The Developmental Preschool Services Program offers personalized educational support to children with diagnosed areas of developmental concerns to support a successful transition to kindergarten and maximize lifelong client outcomes.
Website: https://www.childrensdevelopmentalcenterlima.org/
Location: 1001 Bellefontaine Ave, Lima, OH 45804
Phone: 419-226-5046
City Life at Rally Point Lima is a safe haven for youth in this community who are facing many different challenges that can impact their life choices. They provide these youths with a safe and uplifting environment that addresses their spiritual needs through weekly meetings with a biblical study, educational needs through after-school tutoring, nutritional needs served by local volunteers, and social needs by providing trained professional mentors that engage the students in fun recreational and social skills-building activities.
Website: https://yfcnwoh.org/
Location: 1698 N Main St, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-229-4444
Girl Scouts of Western Ohio builds girls of courage, confidence, and character, who make the world a better place.
Girl Scout Leadership Experience enables girls to develop a strong sense of self, demonstrate positive values, seek challenges in the world, develop healthy relationships and become community problem solvers.
Website: https://www.gswo.org/
Location: 1870 W Robb Ave, Lima, OH 45805
Phone: 888-350-5090
Lima Family YMCA puts Christian principles into practice through programs that build a healthy spirit, mind, and body for all. They believe that to bring about meaningful changes in individuals and communities, they must be focused and accountable. Their success is measured by how well they engage communities in their three areas of focus: youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility.
The STEM and Youth Development Programs consist of all youth and teen programs that revolve around leadership and STEM. The programs offered are FIRST Lego League, Lego League Jr. Teen Leaders, Youth in Government, Summer Day Camp, and Robotics. These programs work to strengthen the bond between play, science, technology, engineering, math, and civil responsibility.
Website: https://limaymca.net/
Location: 345 S Elizabeth St, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-223-6045
Lima-UMADAOP’s mission is to reduce the incidence and prevalence of violence, poly substance use/abuse and its negative affects among at risk individuals and families. They have developed a comprehensive plan that links prevention strategies with the needs of the community.
The Aiming High program addresses issues of youth effected by poor graduation rates. They identify students’ impact through knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and circumstances by monitoring participants efforts in school and/or the need to address educational subjects that participants are struggling in.
Website: https://www.limaumadaop.com/
Location: 311 E Market St 3rd Floor, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-222-4474

The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) Freedom Schools mission is to ensure every child a Healthy Start, a Head Start, a Fair Start, a Safe Start and a Moral Start in life and successful passage to adulthood with the help of caring families and communities.
The CDF Freedom Schools Summer program utilizes a research-based, multicultural integrated reading curriculum that supports participants and their families through high quality academic enrichment, parent and family development, civic engagement, social action, intergenerational servant leadership, nutrition, health and mental health.
Website: https://cdfohio.org/
Location: 543 West Elm Street, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-225-9830
Northwest Ohio Literacy Council provides one-on-one tutoring to those members of the adult population that want to improve their reading, writing, speaking, math, and comprehension skills.
The Adult Literacy Program is designed to assist all adults in their efforts to improve their lives through expanding their literacy skills.
Website: https://www.limaliteracy.net/
Location: 563 W Spring St, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: (419) 223-0252
The Salvation Army’s mission is to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and to meet human needs in his name without discrimination.
The Afterschool Program provides a safe space for activities focused on developing interaction, socialization, and learned skills to youth grades Pre-K-twelfth, while school is in session. The summer portion of the program is a day camp style program including outdoor activities and field trips. Transportation and meals/snacks are provided.
Website: https://easternusa.salvationarmy.org/southwest-ohio/lima/
Location: 614 E Market St, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-224-9055
West Ohio Community Action Partnership provides opportunities for people to reach their highest potential by providing stepping stones to success. They open paths to self-sufficiency and empowerment for individuals and families to enhance our community.
Kindergarten Kamp is a 5-week summer readiness program opened to all students in Allen County that will be entering kindergarten in the fall. Kindergarten Kamp is designed to give students an opportunity to develop new skills in a school environment, while engaging with their peers before school starts.
Website: https://wocap.org/
Location: 540 S Central Ave, Lima, OH 45804
Phone: 419-227-2586
The YWCA of Northwest Ohio is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women, and promoting peace, justice, freedom, and dignity for all. The YWCA Childcare Resource and Referral transforms the lives of children by providing support and quality enhancements
The Family Fun Learning Group offers educational experiences for families with children ages birth-kindergarten entry that encourage and support the understanding of developmental skills needed for school success. Parents receive focused coaching and high-quality learning games, books, and kits to empower them as their child’s first and most important teacher.
The Teen Outreach Program supports teen programming directly impacting youth and their capacity to make informed decisions about sex, sexuality, and their future with the end goal of avoiding teen pregnancy and increasing their future success.
Website: https://www.ywcanwo.org/
Location: 608 W. High St., Lima, OH 45801
Phone: (419) 225-5465
The Emerge Services Criminal Justice System Indigent Fund Program assists criminal justice involved individuals with low resources complete their online applications for Social Security Disability, Social Security Supplemental Income, and/or Retirement, Medicare/Medicaid/food stamps to ensure those who are unable to work due to disability have the resources they need to meet basic needs, such as food and shelter.
Website: https://www.emergesvcs.com/
Location: 1940 North West St Suite A Lima Ohio 45801
Phone: 419-905-8661
Goodwill Easterseals Miami Valley empowers people with disabilities and other disadvantages to achieve independence and improve their quality of life.
The Community Outreach Program is tailored to helping destitute individuals and people with criminal histories in becoming job ready and seek and retain employment on the path to self-sufficiency.
Website: https://gesmv.org/
Location: 2350 Allentown Rd, Lima, OH 45805
Phone: 419-228-4821
Our Daily Bread’s mission is to serve and be a friend to everyone who enters their doors by providing a safe place, a good meal, and a hope for the future through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Our Daily Bread serves three meals a day, Monday through Friday. They also provide free showers and free clothing.
Website: https://odbread.org/
Location: 125 S Central Ave, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-224-2086
West Ohio Food Bank is ensuring that everyone has access to healthy, nutritious food. Together with their partners, they can provide nutritious food to those in need.
Feeding More Children and Families Program helps alleviate child hunger in Lima City Schools through the school pantry providing nutritious, healthy food to children at risk of hunger during the school day and provides food to take home to prepare and consume at their place of residence.
Website: http://www.westohiofoodbank.org/
Location: 1380 E Kibby St, Lima, OH 45804
Phone: 419-222-7946
The Wheelhouse is a missional/service designed as a “refurbish a bike” program for those in need. Upon completion, the recipient will receive the bike, a helmet and lock.
Website: https://wheelhouselima.com/
Location: 619 E. Elm St. Lima, OH 45804
Phone: 419-909-0919
Family Promise of Lima-Allen County helps homeless families achieve independence by providing help, hope, and a safe haven as they seek suitable employment and sustainable housing.
Family Support Curriculum and Intervention program provides a curriculum for parents covering over 300 topics to enhance parenting skills and help stabilize families for future independent living. It also addresses the mental health of those struggling from past trauma through group sessions and helps guide the individuals through an integrated healing process.
Website: https://familypromiseoflima.org/
Location: 604 Gloria Ave. Suite B, Lima, OH 45805
Phone: 419-879-4600
Lima Music Academy seeks to make tuition-free music lessons available to financially stressed households. Their mission is equipping people with the power of music.
Website: http://www.limamusicacademy.com/
Location: PO Box 822, Lima, OH 45802
Phone: 419-231-0428
St. Marks Methodist Church Bread of Life Food Pantry and Ruth's Closet ministers to God's people by providing a 3-day supply of food and free seasonal clothing.
Website: https://www.limastmarks.com/
Location: 1110 N Metcalf St. Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-222-3601
Warriors Way teaches Veterans, First Responders, and their supporters different aspects of recreational therapy with the goal of providing a sense of accomplishment, physical and mental well-being, and the knowledge and experience to continue recreational therapy in their own communities.
Website: https://warriorsway.org/
Location: 3865 S. Dixie Hwy. Lima, OH 45806
Exists to influence and improve the culture of health and wellbeing for all.
Location: 144 S Main St #203, Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-221-5035

The Allen County Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) defines where we would like to be as a community, along with our plans to make it happen. We are working on four areas to improve the conditions for everyone to be healthy:
- Mental Health and Substance Use
- Chronic Disease Prevention and Harmful Childhood Conditions
- Maternal and Infant Health
- Housing and Public Transportation
Click here to read the full plan: https://www.allencountypublichealth.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/03/Allen-County-CHIP-Addendum-12-2020.pdf

A free book gifting program dedicated to sharing a love of reading with children around the world.
Phone: 865-215-8743

Wheels to Work is a car ownership program aimed at eliminating one of the main barriers to employment in our community- transportation. This program does not give cars away. It provides financing to those who might not qualify for a traditional auto loan. To adress this issue in our community, The Superior Foundation, United Way of Greater Lima, OhioMeansJobs- Allen County, and Apollo Career Center have partnered to provide the Wheels to Work Program.
For more information on eligibility and the enrollment process please contact: OhioMeansJobs- Allen County at 419-999-0360
2-1-1 is a national dialing code for free access to health and human service information and referral. 211 provides individuals with information and referrals to social services for every day needs, as well as in times of crisis. To access our local 211, dial 2-1-1, text 419-273-0300, or visit www.allen211.org.

Allen Lima Leadership adult and youth graduates develop a deeper understanding of their community, and build an increased capacity to serve it. Because of this, classes create and execute community service projects. Each project, like each class, is unique.
Phone: 419-222-2711

The goal of Council is to initiate, build, and maintain collaborative efforts that support, educate and empower all families toward independence.
Location: 204 N. Main St., Lima, OH 45801
Phone: 419-223-8563