Jim's Story

Success Story...

"Jim has been coming to Our Daily Bread to eat for a few years now. He would always help out when asked. At different times Jim was homeless but his outlook on life was always good. About a year ago Jim started helping even more. At first it was bringing in donations then we noticed that he would help wipe down tables or sweep and mop the floors after the meal. Soon our Site Manager began taking Jim on donation pickups with him.

He also was a big help at our annual fundraiser at Clock Tower Plaza. When our Site Manager quit the position late last year, I started making the pickups and took Jim with me. When I started having back problems, I relied on Jim to do almost all the carrying and lifting. When I missed work due to the pain, Jim was able to ride with one of our Board Members who filled in. I talked to Jim to see if he was interested in the job of Site Manager, which he was. I presented Jim to the Board, and we hired Jim as our new Site Manager."