Success Story...
"I want to take a minute to write a short note of thanks for the benefit I was able to receive from the generous donations of United Way.
Over the course of the past two years, my son at the age of 8 began having medical issues. Due to the mental and emotional exhaustion of going through this process with him, the stress became more than I could understand or handle on my own.
Because my insurance has such a high deductible and only a few therapists to choose from, I thought I would just have to continue to work through all of the stress as I had been.
After calling Cornerstone I learned of the financial assistance that was available to petition for. I am so blessed to have had the opportunity to apply for and obtain this financial help. The new medical diagnosis for my son was weighing so heavily upon my shoulders, I knew I needed to reach out for help! This donation enabled me to receive counseling from a Christian organization that applies Biblical foundation and truths which are extremely important to me!
Through my sessions with Cornerstone, I am able to walk away with many tools to help continue along this journey with my son and family in a healthy way. When I need extra encouragement, I am able to review and apply to my life what I have learned during my therapy sessions. I can say that even though the stress and struggles are still here, I can now recognize them and respond in a positive way.
Thank You United Way for this opportunity, I am truly grateful!"