Margie's Story

Success Story...

"We have a female participant who suffered a stroke in 2022 and lives with her daughter. The stroke left her with right side weakness, affected her right eye and her memory. She also has a rod and screws in her right ankle from a former car accident, so she uses a walker. 

She started attending the Elderly Day Care Center in the Fall of 2023. She first started coming on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday each week to see if she liked it. She wanted to attend in order to improve her strength after her stroke. 
After two weeks, she decided to attend every day. She had been going to therapy, and after starting at the Day Care Center, she and her family felt she could get everything she needed at the center, so they stopped her therapy sessions. 

She participates in all the exercises and games each day; her walking and speech have improved greatly in the short time she has been attending the Day Care Center. 
If you ask her how she feels about the Day Care Center, she will say “I like it here. I have no complaints. Playing Bingo is my favorite activity. I like everything we do here.”"