Patrick's Story

Success Story...

"My name is Emily, and I have a 4 year old son, Patrick. We have been attending the YWCA Family Fun Learning Group for about a year now. We simply could not love this program any more than we do! From the details in the monthly theme, to the instructor, this program is phenomenal. While this program is focused on youth, as a mom, it is also good for us. Parents are able to connect and meet other parents who may not be in the same school district or town. For me, as a first-time-mother, I am grateful to speak with other parents who are experiencing the same highs and lows that come from parenthood and sharing tips and tricks amongst each other. 

We were asked to join one Saturday by our friends who have a daughter just one week older than our son. She couldn't stop talking about the benefits her daughter was getting by going to group monthly. I accepted the offer and signed up for a Saturday afternoon. From the moment the door was unlocked we were welcomed by a smiling face and felt right at home. Mr. Dave is such a fun, kind-hearted, and patient man. He always greets Patrick, by name, with a high-five or fist-bump. My son asks every week when we can go back. 

I am also impressed with the facility and equipment as well. The selection of toys and activities are appropriate for all ages and stages of development. The facility is kept spotless and the organization is top-notch. Story-time and play-time have helped our kids learn listening skills and sharing. I do feel more secure sending my son off to pre-school this fall knowing he has had time to work on these skills each month we attend. 

I work for a local hospital and donate to United Way through my bi-weekly paychecks. The reason I donate what I can to the organization is for the success of programs like the YWCA Family Fun Learning Group. I have constantly offered invitations to families and friends to join the group to experience the same life-changing classes that Patrick and I do. In closing, this program is NEEDED in the Allen County community and should continue to be funded year after year. Thanks for everything you all do at the YWCA and the United Way."